Young Professionals

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YP Book Club!

Expand your mind and your network at the same time!  How would you like to learn about new concepts in marketing with some of the most talented YP's in Denver?  Come join us for a discussion of Non-Obvious: How to Think Different, Curate Ideas & Predict The Future
In the book, author Rohit Bhargava evaluates “non-obvious” trends and outlines to marketers how to how to use the power of non-obvious thinking to grow your business and make a bigger impact in the world.  
We will get together on Wednesday October 14th to share how these ideas could influence our careers and help us become better marketers.  If this sounds a little nerdy to you, it is, but don't worry, we will have plenty of wine and a great location for us to get together so that we will have fun during the discussion.  
We ask that prior to the meeting you read through "Non-Obvious: How to Think Different, Curate Ideas & Predict The Future" 
If you go here, you can order a hardcopy of the book for $17.99  or you can buy the E-book for just $2.99 and read it on your tablet.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 6:30 PM



1730 Blake St.  Ste. 200
Denver, CO 80202

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  • Members: $0
  • Not-Yet Members: $0


Deadline: 10/14/2015
Maximum Attendees: 10