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Candidate Listings

Candidate Code Title Date Posted
CAN135629816Content Marketing & Communications Strategist, Passionate storyteller, Fitness enthusiast and Senior Manager at Karsh Hagan5/24/2016


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Sep 21, 2016

Marketing the Internet of Things: Uncover missed opportunities by starting a new conversation led by marketers

Keynote: Learn about a holistic framework to generate and package concepts for any product or service company, in order to create a stronger offering in the IoT space.


Sep 28, 2016

Find Your Viral Voice - How to Generate Viral Referrals for Your Business

Roundtable: Organic referrals are 17,400% more effective at converting prospects into paying customers than any other form of media and, since they’re free, they’re exponentially more profitable.


Oct 20, 2016

Managing Up, Out, and Down

Roundtable: Join us for this session as we decode the mysteries of effective job positioning without getting overly political and boost your promote-ability.