BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 14.0 MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Eastern Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:16011104T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYMONTH=11 TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:16010311T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=2SU;BYMONTH=3 TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:BMA CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20130105T170345Z DESCRIPTION:1101 13th St. Denver\, CO 80204 (corner of Arapahoe & 13th Str eet) - red brick building \nAs a member of BMA Colorado\, we believe you d eserve exclusive access to intelligence\, networking\, training and resour ces that will help you create better strategy and perform more effectively in order to drive change\, build a competitive advantage and achieve stro nger results. One way BMA Colorado delivers additional value to our member s is through member-only events. Our members average 15 years of industry experience—you've paid your dues\, now it’s time to reap the rewards. To register\, simply register online\, email Marilee or call the BMA office at 303-607-9957. \nCommercial buyers around the world differ by more than language. Culture\, buying practices \, and legal frameworks differ. So - how do you maximize revenue when the potential audience grows to compass every buyer around the world?\nDavid Ashton\, VP of Global Business Consulting for SDL\, will share new discove ries about The Everywhere Market. So fluid are global dynamics at this po int in history that the rules of marketing are being rewritten as we speak . Today every B2C and every B2B buyer is a legimate target. Much time ha s been spent helping B2C players understand and target their audience\, bu t in the B2B world\, there isn't as much research and help. And companies need to understand how business buyers buy - whether they are buying in B oise\, Beijing or Budapest.\nTraditionally\, companies have focused primar ily on taking a customer experience that has worked domestically and have translated that experience for a foreign audience. Let's discover togethe r how to best reach that everywhere market of B2B buyers. \nSpeaker\nDavid Ashton \nVP\, Global Business Consulting\, SDL\nDavid Ashton works with c ompanies to help them expand their global footprint. Tackling global marke ts is something to take seriously and should never be an adjunct to a dome stic market strategy. He passionately drives that message whether in publi c speaking\, or in advisory sessions with clients. \n\nCentral to capitali zing on global markets is understanding the mind of the person behind ever y transaction\, wherever they live. David is an expert on the rapidly evol ving ways customers and brands intertwine. Because of that\, much of his t ime helping clients evolve their business model to account for the way the cyber-social evolution impacts the way business interact with customer. Y esterday’s Facebook-Friend\, is today’s brand-influencer whether we wa nt that to be the case or not. His skill is not just in explaining the new patterns of customer behavior that technology convergence brings\; but in how business can detect and capitalize on those patterns. \n\nDavid guide s business leaders through continual disruptive change and how to prepare their business for a ubiquitous marketplace where language and cultural pr eference is merely a critical element of personalization. His keynote pres entations provide the audience with a provocative\, educational and entert aining front-row seat as near-future technology and sociological evolution collide. His advisory work with business leaders provides a collaborative environment where his insights drive disruptive change in the way busines s market and sell to a global audience.\n\n DTEND;TZID="Eastern Standard Time":20130207T170000 DTSTAMP:20130105T170345Z DTSTART;TZID="Eastern Standard Time":20130207T153000 LAST-MODIFIED:20130105T170345Z LOCATION:Denver Center for the Performing Arts Administrative Offices\, Aug ust Wilson Room (1st Floor) PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:The Everywhere Market - B2B in a Global World TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E0080000000070CD5FE785E9CD01000000000000000 01000000079991F8244F95343AA199F9FD46D4A04 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n

1101 13th St.  D enver\, CO 80204 (corner of Arapahoe &\; 13th Street) - red brick build ing


As a member of BMA Col orado\, we believe you deserve exclusive access to intelligence\, networki ng\, training and resources that will help you create better strategy and perform more effectively in order to drive change\, build a competitive ad vantage and achieve stronger results. One way BMA Colorado delivers additi onal value to our members is through member-only events. Our members avera ge 15 years of industry experience—you've paid your dues\, now it’s ti me to reap the rewards.  To register\, simply register online\, email Marilee or call the BMA office at 303-607-9957.


Commercial buyers around the world differ by more than language.  Culture\, buying practices\, and leg al frameworks differ.  So - how do you maximize revenue when the potentia l audience grows to compass every buyer around the world?


David Ashton\, VP of Global Business Consultin g for SDL\, will share new discoveries about The Everywhere Market.  So f luid are global dynamics at this point in history that the rules of market ing are being rewritten as we speak.  Today every B2C and every B2B buyer is a legimate target.  Much time has been spent helping B2C players unde rstand and target their audience\, but in the B2B world\, there isn't as m uch research and help.  And companies need to understand how business buy ers buy - whether they are buying in Boise\, Beijing or Budapest.\n\n

Traditionally\, companies have focused primarily on taking a customer experience that has worked domestically an d have translated that experience for a foreign audience.  Let's discover together how to best reach that everywhere market of B2B buyers. < /P>\n\n

S peaker


David Ashton
\nVP\, Global Business Consulting\, SDL


David Ashton works with com panies to help them expand their global footprint. Tackling global markets is something to take seriously and should never be an adjunct to a domest ic market strategy. He passionately drives that message whether in public speaking\, or in advisory sessions with clients.
\nCentral to cap italizing on global markets is understanding the mind of the person behind every transaction\, wherever they live. David is an expert on the rapidly evolving ways customers and brands intertwine. Because of that\, much of his time helping clients evolve their business model to account for the wa y the cyber-social evolution impacts the way business interact with custom er. Yesterday’s Facebook-Friend\, is today’s brand-influencer whether we want that to be the case or not. His skill is not just in explaining th e new patterns of customer behavior that technology convergence brings\; b ut in how business can detect and capitalize on those patterns.
\ nDavid guides business leaders through continual disruptive change and how to prepare their business for a ubiquitous marketplace where language and cultural preference is merely a critical element of personalization. His keynote presentations provide the audience with a provocative\, educationa l and entertaining front-row seat as near-future technology and sociologic al evolution collide. His advisory work with business leaders provides a c ollaborative environment where his insights drive disruptive change in the way business market and sell to a global audience.
