BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:BMA CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20100302T010144Z DESCRIPTION:Colorado Business Marketing Association\nInnovative approaches and transparent communication dont usually conjure up images of the milita ry. But for the past decade\, the U.S. Air Force has been breaking the rul es by investing heavily in marketing and communication\, particularly new media\, to interact with other agencies and the public. \nWhile organizati ons of all sizes struggle to understand new media\, the Air Force Public A ffairs team leads the way in developing strategies that include Twitter\, Facebook\, YouTube\, podcasts/vodcasts and blogging. Consistently touted b y David Meerman Scott as a group who gets it right\, the Air Force has als o developed a Social Media Guide thats required reading in several univers ities and a handbook for many marketers. \nJoin your marketing peers\, col leagues\, and friends at the March dinner and keynote presentation to lear n: Why social media should be a crucial part of the marketing mix and how to use it to achieve your overall goals\nHow to use resources you already have to connect with your customers in a changing communications environme nt\nHow to measure and evaluate campaigns to communicate the bottom-line i mpact to executives\nSpeaker: \nLarry Clavette\nDirector\, Air Force Publi c Affairs Agency\nU.S. Air Force\n\nAs Director of the U.S. Air Force Publ ic Affairs Agency\, Larry Clavette oversees the activities of more than 45 0 people at 11 locations worldwide. An early adopter of the Internet in th e 1990s\, Clavette continues to pioneer online communication\, including s ocial media. He spearheaded the formation of the Emerging Technology Divis ion\, which develops and executes social media strategy and tactics within the Public Affairs Agency. A 20-year veteran of the Air Force\, he has ha d numerous assignments around the United States including the Pentagon and throughout Europe.\n5:30 pm New and Prospective Member Orientation\n5:30 pm Cocktails and Networking\n6:30 pm Dinner and Presentation\n\nLocation:\ nUniversity of Denver\nSchool of Hotel\, Restaurant and Tourism Management \n2044 East Evans Ave\nDenver\, CO 80208\n\nParking:\nLots 301 or 302 reco mmended ($1/hour)\nRegistration: \n$45 for BMA members\n$59 for Not-yet Me mbers\n$35 for Full-time Students\n\nFor more information and to register for the dinner\, please visit BMA Colorado Web site. \nABOUT BMA\nWe are t he premier professional development organization providing B-to-B educatio n\, networking and resources.\nAt the Colorado chapter of the Business Mar keting Association\, you will network with marketing communication VPs\, d irectors\, and managers from local companies. Youll also meet account exec utives\, advertising managers\, and creative directors working at agencies as well as independent business owners\, consultants\, writers\, and des igners with whom to share ideas and resources. Most of our more-than-350 members live and work in Denver\, Boulder\, Fort Collins\, Colorado Spring s.\nColorado BMA members also enjoy the benefits of membership in our inte rnational affiliate. BMA provides access to valuable information\, researc h\, resources\, as well as education and networking at national conference s.\nJoin BMA today.\n\n\nDenver\, CO 80208 - USA\nWednesday\, March 10 at 5:30 PM\n DTEND:20100311T023000Z DTSTAMP:20100227T114516Z DTSTART:20100311T003000Z LAST-MODIFIED:20100302T010144Z LOCATION:University of Denver - School of Hotel\, Restaurant and Tourism Ma nagement\, 2044 East Evans Ave - Denver\, CO 80208 - USA SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:Breaking Boundaries and Succeeding in a Social World - BMA March Dinner TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E00800000000C061416E91B7CA01000000000000000 0100000007694073852970F45B3E7F25ABA70C253 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\n\n
\n\nColorado Business Marketing Association
\n\nInnovative approaches an d transparent communication dont usually conjure up images of the military . But for the past decade\, the U.S. Air Force has been breaking the rules by investing heavily in marketing and communication\, particularly new me dia\, to interact with other agencies and the public.
\n \nWhile organizations o f all sizes struggle to understand new media\, the Air Force Public Affair s team leads the way in developing strategies that include Twitter\, Faceb ook\, YouTube\, podcasts/vodcasts and blogging. Consistently touted by Dav id Meerman Scott as a group who gets it right\, the Air Force has also dev eloped a Social Media Guide thats required reading in several universities and a handbook for many marketers.
\n\nJoin your marketing peers\, colleagues\ , and friends at the March dinner and keynote presentation to learn: Why s ocial media should be a crucial part of the marketing mix and how to use i t to achieve your overall goals
\n\nHow to use resources you already have to con nect with your customers in a changing communications environment SPAN>
\n\nHow to mea sure and evaluate campaigns to communicate the bottom-line impact to execu tives
\n\nLarry Clavette
Director\, Air Force Pu blic Affairs Agency
As Director of the U.S. Air Force Public A ffairs Agency\, Larry Clavette oversees the activities of more than 450 pe ople at 11 locations worldwide. An early adopter of the Internet in the 19 90s\, Clavette continues to pioneer online communication\, including socia l media. He spearheaded the formation of the Emerging Technology Division\ , which develops and executes social media strategy and tactics within the Public Affairs Agency. A 20-year veteran of the Air Force\, he has had nu merous assignments around the United States including the Pentagon and thr oughout Europe.
\n\n5:30 pm New and Prospective Member Orientation
\n\n5:30 pm Cocktails and Networking
\n\n6:30 pm Dinner and Presentation< /FONT>
L ocation:
\n\nUniversity of Denver
\n\nSchool of Hotel\, Restaurant and Tourism Managem ent
\n\n2044 East Evans Ave
\n\n< FONT FACE="Calibri">Denver\, CO 80208
\n\nLots 301 or 302 recommended ($ 1/hour)
\n\nSPAN>$45 for BMA members
\n\n$59 for Not -yet Members
\n\n$35 for Full-time Students
\n\nWe are the premier professional development org anization providing B-to-B education\, networking and resources.
\n\nAt the Colo rado chapter of the Business Marketing Association\, you will network with marketing communication VPs\, directors\, and managers from local compani es. Youll also meet account executives\, advertising managers\, and creati ve directors working at agencies \; as well as independent business ow ners\, consultants\, writers\, and designers \; with whom to share ide as and resources. Most of our more-than-350 members live and work in Denve r\, Boulder\, Fort Collins\, Colorado Springs.
\n\nColorado BMA members also enj oy the benefits of membership in our international affiliate. BMA provides access to valuable information\, research\, resources\, as well as educat ion and networking at national conferences.
\n\nJoin BMA today.
Denver\, CO \ ; 80208 - USA
\n\nWednesday\, March 10 at 5:30 PM